BodyLoveLifestyle is the twenty-five year culmination of the knowledge and experience of Leanne Rowbottom - food freedom coach, nutritionist, energy healer, meditation teacher, massage therapist, surfer, yogi, bulldog Mum, food lover, and advocate of living your best life.

After battling an eating disorder in my 20’s I, Leanne Rowbottom, studied a BSc. in Nutrition & Food Science, then went into private practice for several years.

Seeing my nutrition clients struggle first hand with restrictive diet plans and continued binge and emotional eating, I studied further to become a qualified mindfulness meditation teacher, Access Consciousness practitioner, trauma healer, Reiki and Theta healer. I then researched further into intuitive eating, eating psychology, habit, and emotional regulation - including my Certificate in Applied Neuroscience and Brain Health.

I have has since curated a proven holistic and science-based method of how to find your own 'happy body’ for the long term.

I discovered, from my own personal lived experience and years of coaching that our self-worth directly affects the way we treat our body. So loving yourself and your body more first is crucial for taking care of yourself, breaking unhealthy habits and cultivating healthy ones that are sustainable for life.

I’m all about health - supporting you to become happy on the inside, break unhealthy patterns, and find your own unique, happy, healthy body.

From my own personal lived experience, I know that “just knowing’ how to be healthy isn’t enough.

I am passionate about helping you shift the deeper layers - the conditioning, past trauma, stored emotions and self-sabotage that’s been holding you back all of these years.

It’s time to embrace your worth, step into your divine feminine energy, and take the power back with food and your body!

You deserve to FINALLY feel calm, happy, healthy and confident, no matter your size - without dieting.

  • “Leanne has changed my life after years of personal trainers and yo-yo dieting. She helped me break free from binge eating in 3 months, and in 8 months I went from a size 26 to 16 and have lost more than 40kg. And I haven’t even touched the scales or thought about weight. It brings me to tears – a 30 yr battle with my weight and emotional eating and you helped me do it. Thank you so much for being part of my journey and that you took the time to help me and believe in me. You believed in me when I didn’t. Thank you xxx”

    Isalene, 34yo, Colac

  • “I feel like this doesn’t do it justice for the way you’ve helped me, but here goes! In 13 weeks Leanne helped me completely change my relationship with food. I was stuck in a restrict-binge cycle for about 8 years, judging food as 'good' and 'bad’. 13 weeks later I feel so much more at ease around food, I eat what my body feels like, when I feel like it and with the help of Leanne was able to break the habit I had created of binge eating. Leanne was the first person I had shared my struggles with and I felt so heard and understood while working with her as she gently guided me through the process.”

    Catherine, 27yo Melbourne

  • “Holy shitballs woman (tears streaming down). This is f$&king amazing Leanne. You can put these words on your website to tell everyone - if you are just focussing on your weight, that’s only a small part of it. I thought I wanted to be in a smaller body as I thought I needed that to be happy and live my life. But now I know I can start living my life now and I’ll get healthier anyway! It’s your whole life you have to look at. It has very little to do with your body. I don’t want to be in this body, but I realise now I’ve been eating to push down my feelings instead of saying out loud what’s really been going on. I’ve always known I’ve been unhappy with this, like something is missing. I’ve just never said it out loud. Now I know I just have to trust myself, that I know. And give myself the time and self-respect and personal boundaries that I have at work to myself at home, and to my body."

    Maggie, 52yo, Brisbane

  • “Seriously Leanne I’m pinching myself right now. Thank you so, so much. You’re like a real life angel! I’ve totally stopped binge eating at night and don’t even have to try! What a beautiful relief! It’s too good to be true!”

    Ainsley 37yo Sydney

  • “Bingeing is a thing of the past for me now, I have a little bit of chocolate or whatever it may be, nothing is off the menu, when I want it, which isn’t very often. I’m a lot more focused on putting together a healthier meal now, and I think more about what is going to make me feel my best. Just knowing that there’s no food that’s not allowed, nothing is taboo and you can have all foods whenever just makes so, so much difference and this journey a lot easier. Your kind beautiful words made me feel really special. You are such a special amazing woman and I feel blessed to have connected with you on this journey of life 🥰

    Fi, 57yo, Surf Coast

  • “Leanne herself is an angel. In every conversation she can pick the right point to dive deeper into and help to work through and understand it. She's a pleasure to spend time with and I'll miss her greatly but the impact she's had on my life is and will continue to be immeasurable. I am forever grateful to Leanne, and grateful to myself for investing in me. I just wish more people with similar binge eating and body image issues to what I've been facing get the same opportunity I've had to join Leanne and the Body Love Lifestyle.”

    Holly, 35yo, Adelaide

  • “Leanne is a wonderful coach. She really understands me. She notices my progress and has helped me unravel some internal issues that I've had for decades. She has helped me to change beliefs that I've had my whole life that are not serving me!I have learned how powerful it is to love our body and ourselves into changing. I have learned to love my body right now and that I cannot punish myself into change. And letting go of judgement has helped me so much.”

    Janet, 41yo, New Mexico