Love yourself into a healthy body and start living your best life via Body Love Lifestyle energy healing massage & coaching.

Self Love - Body Confidence - Intuitive Eating - Food Freedom

Body Love Lifestyle is a proven holistic and science-based method to let go of what’s not serving you and love yourself into a healthy body - once and for all.

I provide a safe space to be completely you, to help shift the fears, emotional blockages, self-judgement and self-sabotage holding you back all these years.

Let me lovingly support you every step of the way to FINALLY feel calm, happy, healthy and body confident.

Love Leanne xx

Enjoy food without guilt, and take back the power over your own health.

Overeating isn’t your fault
Leanne Rowbottom Leanne Rowbottom

Overeating isn’t your fault

Emotional, boredom, stress eating or mindless snacking can be a source of frustration and guilt for many people. It can be especially frustrating when you know how to be healthy, but you just can’t seem to make yourself do it….

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Have your cake & eat it too
Leanne Rowbottom Leanne Rowbottom

Have your cake & eat it too

In a world obsessed with dieting, weight loss and having the perfect body, the concept of intuitive eating is a refreshing long term approach to healthy eating that allows you to have your cake and eat it too…

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What is food freedom?
Leanne Rowbottom Leanne Rowbottom

What is food freedom?

In a world obsessed with dieting, weight loss and having the perfect body, the concept of intuitive eating is a refreshing long term approach to healthy eating that allows you to have your cake and eat it too…

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The meaning of body love
Leanne Rowbottom Leanne Rowbottom

The meaning of body love

In a world where unrealistic beauty standards and societal pressures tend to rule our thinking, the concept of "body love" can seem quite foreign and unrealistic, yet has never been more crucial to understand and embrace…

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Understanding emotional overeating
Leanne Rowbottom Leanne Rowbottom

Understanding emotional overeating

Emotional eating is a deeply ingrained behaviour that most of us do from time to time, and can develop into a habit. It can be hard to understand, because it is emotional, as opposed to logical…

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Weight loss versus body love 
Leanne Rowbottom Leanne Rowbottom

Weight loss versus body love 

This is a complex and controversial topic, but an important one to discuss if we are to shift the needle away from striving to fit unrealistic body stereotypes towards a focus on good health and body positivity, no matter your size…

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FREE E-BOOK: 10 Steps To Love Yourself Into A Healthy Body

Your ultimate 10-step guide to learn how to love yourself and your body first, so that you can get healthy for good.

  • “Leanne has changed my life after years of personal trainers and yo-yo dieting. She helped me break free in 3 months, and in another 8 months I went from a size 26 to16 and have lost more than 40kg. And I haven’t even touched the scales or thought about weight. It brings me to tears – a 30 yr battle with my weight and emotional eating and you helped me do it. Thank you so much for being part of my journey and that you took the time to help me and believe in me. You believed in me when I didn’t. Thank you xxx”

    Isalene, 34yo, Colac

  • “Oh Leanne I cannot tell you how much my life has changed this week. It has all fallen in to place. Focussing on my gut health and it’s link to binge eating and my self esteem has quite literally changed my life. When I was rapidly gaining weight in my early 30’s I had terrible tummy problems. I understand it all now. I get it. I f”*king get it. For the first time in my life. This has absolutely changed my life. Thank you 💗”

    Maddy, 55yo, QLD

  • “I don’t even have to think about bingeing or purging anymore (after 37years of it, daily). I haven’t thought about it for months”.

    Rachel, 52yo, USA

  • I’m feeling really good with food etc already. It’s been a very busy time lately and leading up to our trip away during this program. But I’m happy so far with how I’ve changed the way I see food and how I don’t emotionally and randomly eat anymore. You have helped me tremendously in that way 🙏🙏”

    Elise, 33yo, Hamilton

  • “Leanne has been amazing with how thorough, intuitive and informative her program is. She comes from a place of care and experience to help you dive deep to unlock your own limitations.”

    Larry, 45yo, Melbourne

  • “You were the best thing that happen to me in 2020, but the impact what you do in the 12 week program is still showing everyday. So yes you were in 2020, and what you helped me with is still the best thing because the confidence I got from changing my life. Because of you I am doing things I never thought I would do. Thank you. I highly recommend this program to anyone.”

    Tanya, 40yo, Geelong Vic

  • “Before discovering Leanne’s 3 month program I was in a constant cycle of fasting, binging and purging. The program has helped me completely stop and has taught me to break that habit and listen to my body and nourish it regularly with food I love, and I no longer look at food as good or bad. Thank you Leanne you have been a guiding light throughout my journey. I would highly recommend this program to anyone that is battling with food or body confidence issues”.

    Margaret, 44yo, Surf Coast Vic

  • “My time in the program with Leanne was life changing. I set out wanting to lose weight and left with so much more. My life, and perception of life is different. I was challenged to really look in the mirror and understand why I am where I am and it was liberating. I now have a friendship with my body, a deep acceptance of myself and an arsenal of tools to honour my body, soul and emotions that bring joy and have changed me forever. I left with so much more than I initially wanted and am so thankful for it. This program has been monumental for me building back my inner joy. I'm really happy now with my relationship with food. I'm not even craving carbs anymore and my palate has even changed a bit. I’m now even enjoying vegetables and salads. I cannot recommend Leanne's program enough.”

    Michelle, 38yo, Brisbane

  • "I can’t believe how much it’s changed my whole mindset around food! For the first time in years since I’ve had kids I’ve finally stopped obsessing about food. I’ve had a lemon slice in the fridge for weeks, usually it’s gone in a day! I’m not sure what you’re doing but please keep doing it haha!”.

    Kate, 37yo, Melbourne

  • “I have no more impulses to binge, and not even going straight to the pantry after work or when things get tough, which I’ve always done. I’m more aware of why I’m eating now for the first time ever and food’s not my only pleasure anymore. I'm feeling more relaxed and casual about life and even spending more quality time with the kids”.

    William, 38yo, Drysdale Vic

  • “Leanne, if I could tell you how I FEEL! I’m 2 sizes smaller in my clothes already in 3 weeks! I’ve lost 12kg, and NO hip pain! I’m starting to feel so good I cannot tell you. I’m also down to 1 Pepsi a day when it used to be 2 boxes a week. I can sleep at night again and I’m not getting up 5am anymore. I just feel so good about myself and what I’m doing. I deserve a bloody medal for all I’ve achieved haha!! I’m just ready, and I WANT to feel good and be the best I can be. I get emotional sometimes thinking about it. I’m so happy and I don’t think you know how much your help and motivation means to me. You are amazing.”

    Flick, 70yo, Brisbane

  • “I can’t thank Leanne enough for helping me move through the deeper issues and roadblocks affecting my inability to lose weight. It wasn’t something wrong with me or poor willpower. We have uncovered so much more than that. Thoughts of food and body judgement no longer consume my days, and that has allowed me more time for myself, and more quality time with my family. They have commented on how much more relaxed and happy I am. I feel lighter, I trust my body more and there are no banned foods in existence either. After decades of dieting and body obsession, I didn’t think I could ever be in a happy place around food and my body, but here I am! I’m looking forward to getting on with life now, not wasting hours a day being angry at myself, and sharing my food freedom and a better way to live with my daughter. Thank you so much Leanne, Lynda xx”

    Lynda, 47yo, Surf Coast Vic